Villa Digitalkultur launched

Vor 19 Wochen
Last summer (2023) we launched our coworking space and socio-cultural center in the lovely small town called Forst (Lausitz), 1.5 hours south of Berlin by car and regional train, right at the border to Poland. As a town with 16.000 inhabitants it is a 15-minute city where anything is easily reachable by bike but still got lots of amenities: supermarkets, restaurants, hospital, train station, swimming hall, library etc are all available. At the same time you're very close to nature: there's the river Neiße which has a very nice bike lane going all the way to Sweden and Spreewald is also very close by. Not everything is ideal here though, as you can imagine, we didn't start our project for no reason. We believe it is a good thing to share a workplace, so we founded a coworking space. There's many reasons not to work from home if you don't have to go to your company office every day. A coworking space is a nice compromise which offers the opportunity to separate work from home with the added benefit of being part of a community of coworkers. However, our Villa is more than just a coworking space. Our community is also fostering diverse social activities, such as concerts, repair cafe, dancing classes, cinema, makerspace, fablab, meetups, and much more. Our principle: if you think something is missing in our town, just start it yourself. We're happy to help organizing and offer our venue for very cheap rent or donation based.