The first brainstorming 💪

19 weeks ago
The other day we got together for a few hours and sorted our thoughts that have been building up for years now. We just got them all out on papers as Mindmaps and categorized afterwards. From this we went forward to define action steps to active move further towards making this reality. As we are clear that we want to create a place like this, it really boosts the motivation to have a more solid foundation on what we are doing for and what we have to do to get there. before it was always there, somewhere in the idea space, we could pull it up when we visited and lived in places that have similarities to look at things that work well, or don't and apply hat to our idea's context. However, now we have more direction and a proper baseline which also gives more purpose to experience places and projects. However, we are aware that we are still very early in the process and also that we might be missing some skills. We identified that first fundings would go into participating in courses around permaculture and make it possible for us to visit other eco villages to learn from their mistakes.
Stefano Cerelli
Jasper Meyer
I'm curious to see how you're progressing with this. I'm working on creating a similar environment, from the building where I reside to the food I cultivate on my land, as well as how I treat the land and utilize water resources. Although I haven't incorporated animals into my plans yet, I'm striving to develop a more sustainable lifestyle for myself.
That sounds amazing. Where are you located?